![]() |
git commit -a . && git push github master
$ mig file -path / -name "^\.boto$" -content "abcdef123456"
![]() |
mig file -matchany -path /sys/devices/ -name "^uevent$" \
-content "PRODUCT=20a0/4107"
mig netstat -nm 8c:70:5a:c8:be:50
mig ping -t "name LIKE '%scl3%'" -show notfound \
-d -p icmp
mig file -path /proc -name "^cmdline$" -maxdepth 2 \
-content "[e]lasticsearch"
"module": "file",
"parameters": {
"searches": {
"checkforverboselogging": {
"paths": [
"contents": [
"(?i)^loglevel verbose$"
"checkpasswordusageisoff": {
"paths": [
"contents": [
"(?i)^passwordauthentication no$"
{ "objects": [ {
"object": "libnss3-package",
"package": {
"name": "libnss3:amd64"
"tests": [ {
"test": "libnss3 test",
"object": "libnss3-package",
"evr": {
"operation": "<",
"value": "2:3.19.2"
A vulnerability database, such as Ubuntu USN, or OpenVAS NVT, is converted into a JSON Scribe policy.
Each MIG Agent runs the thousands of tests from the policy locally, and returns out-of-date package.
"name": "Shellshock IOCs (nginx and more)",
"target": "environment->>'os' IN ('linux','darwin') AND mode='daemon'",
"operations": [
"module": "file",
"parameters": {
"searches": {
"iocs": {
"paths": [
"sha256": [
"contents": [
"/bin/busybox;echo -e '\\\\147\\\\141\\\\171\\\\146\\\\147\\\\164'",
"names": [
"module": "netstat",
"parameters": {
"connectedip": [
"description": {
"author": "Julien Vehent",
"email": "ulfr@mozilla.com",
"revision": 201410031030
"syntaxversion": 2
Pleasant language to use, static typing catches most errors.
Compiles to a single static binary, no dependencies.
Configuration is built-in or deployed via provisioning.
Agent only runs something if these conditions are met:
multiple signatures required to run sensitive modules
The weights of each investigator providing a valid signature are summed, and if the total weight is equal or higher than the minimum weight, the operation is considered valid.
TotalWeight = Weight[Alice} + Weight[Bob] if TotalWeight >= MinimumWeight { run module }
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###| \ \/ ---__| | | ~ ~-.__ -._ '-.__ '. '.
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